Christ Jyoti School, Odgady
- Punctual and regular attendance is complusary.
- Student should not allow growing long nails, to use nail polish or makeup of any kind.
- All children should come to school in fresh laundered uniform with clean socks and well polished shoes.
- No pupil should leave the school premises during class hours without the knowledge and permission of the principal. In extreme necessity father / mother can take the child with the permission by the principal.
- It is compulsory for all students to converse in English. Student will communicate with each other and to their teachers only in English during school hours. Parents should facilitate this by conversing with their wards even at home as far as possible.
- All pupils are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct in and out of the school. Running about, playing, shouting inside the school building , throwing things at one another are strictly forbidden.
- In subordination to teachers, habitual in attention to school work, irregular, obstinacy in word and deed, willful and repeated breach of the school regulations are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student. The ward of those parents who avoid meeting the school authorities when advised to do so may not be allowed to attend the classes.
- Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. Each article should be marked with their name. It is not advisable for the pupils to bring money or other valuables to the school.
- Students must not throw about paper or foodstuff anywhere in the school premises except in the dustbins provided for the purpose.
- Articles found in the school premises are to be handed over in the office.