Christ Jyoti School, Odgady



No one who is late or has been absent will be admitted to the class without the permission of the Principal/Vice principal.

  • 1. a) Leave of absence is not granted except on prior written application from parent/guardian except in cases of unforeseen circumstances.
  • b) For leave of absence for 1-2days it is sufficient to apply through pages of the school diary.
  • c) For leave of absence for more than 2 days, a letter must be sent and also a note made by the parents/guardians for the information of teachers in the School Diary leave record. A medical certificate is also required for absence due to illness for more than 3 days.
  • D) Absence from school during test/examination will not be condoned (except in case of illness-provided intimated the same day). Neither re-test nor re-examination will be conducted. If absent for the test/ exam the student will be awarded as per rule.
  • 2. All the students are expected to attend school on the first day of the academic year, on the opening day after each of the vacations (Diwali, Dussehra, Winter & Summer) and on the closing day before the vacations. Those absent because of sickness must inform the school and present a medical certificate.
    a) It is compulsory for all the students to attend school on 15th Aug. & 26th Jan. No leave will be granted on these days.
  • 3. It is compulsory for students to complete 75% of their attendance in the year to become eligible to take their final examination.
  • A child returning to school after suffering from an infectious or contagious disease should produce a fitness certificate from a doctor. Students suffering from any one of the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class.
    a) Chicken - pox - Till complete falling of the scabs.
    b) Cholera - Till the child is completely well.
    c) Measles - Two weeks after the rash disappears.
    d) Mumps - Untiltheswelling hasgone,aboutonemonth
    e) Whooping Cough - Six weeks
    f) Jaundice - Six weeks
  • Repeated absence without leave application or absence for more than ten consecutive days renders a student liable to have his/her name struck off the rolls. Re-admission, if granted will be done on payment of re-admission fee.


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