Christ Jyoti School, Odgady

Principal's Message


The school have a grate role in shaping the future of an individual. It include not only to provide education but also character formation and molding the value system of the person as we] I.

We the Christ Jyoti Odgadi strive to give education that helps the child for the holistic development of the personality and ready to face the challenges of life. Education helps us to enrich or society, to mould us a better version of ourselves and lead us in the path of achievement and success. It broadens our knowledge and open our minds to new perspective , ideas, beliefs and cultures. Being presented with different perspectives on the world help us to quickly adapt to new and unfamiliar environments. It also teaches us to stay calm when we faced with problems and provides us technique to deal with the challenges in a logical way. So dear tudent learning 'hould not be limited in the classrnoms. It must be a life long proc s . Disco er the tremendous potentialities within you. Believe in yourself, be strong and never give up no matter what the circumstances are. Cherish your visions, dreams and aspirations, Always remember to uphold the dignity of people around you. Consider others better than yourself and be ready to give preference to others. Do for others what you want them to do for you. This will lead you to be an architect of a better world.

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